Join the NUCLEAR Project – PhD Opportunity in Metabolic Regulation of Genome Function and Cell Identity

NUCLEAR is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action Doctoral Network funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe programme. This initiative aims to train 17 Doctoral Candidates (DCs) in the emerging field of Metabolic Regulation of Genome Function and Cell Identity, with direct relevance to stem cell biology and cancer research.
The project brings together 14 beneficiary institutions and 12 partner organisations, connecting European leaders in metabolomics, functional genomics, chromatin regulation, stem cell biology, and cancer research with innovators in precision nutrition, mass spectrometry technologies, and drug development.
This project will bring together European leaders in the fields of metabolomics, functional genomics, chromatin regulation, stem cell biology, and cancer with innovators in precision nutrition, mass spectrometry technologies, and drug development. Details of the available research projects are provided in the Nuclear website.
The Nuclear project aims to develop tools for the detection of metabolism in the nucleus, to understand how metabolism regulates functions of the chromatin template and to test metabolism-chromatin interactions as targetable vulnerabilities in cancer cells.
We welcome applications from candidates of any nationality, gender, culture, religion, sexual orientation or age to undertake a PhD in cancer research, fulfilling the following criteria:
- Eligible candidates must not have a doctoral degree at the date of their recruitment. Researchers who have successfully defended a previous doctoral thesis but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will not be considered eligible.
- To comply with the mobility rule meaning that eligible candidates must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting organisation for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date (i.e. the starting date indicated in the employment contract, envisioned to be September 2025).
- Eligible candidates must have obtained a master’s degree relevant for the chosen position (including biology, medicine, biochemistry, bioinformatics or a related discipline, depending on each PhD project) or its equivalent of 300 ECTs before the start of the contract (estimated September 2025).
- Successful candidates must be proficient in written and spoken English.
Please apply for one to a maximum of three individual research projects through the application form below and provide the following information (in English):
- Personal details, including your full name, gender, nationality, and contact information.
- A curriculum vitae, including academic grades from examination periods (bachelor’s - and master’s if already available), and referees’ contact details.
- A motivation letter (up to 2 pages) outlining your research experience, academic accomplishments, and your interest in NUCLEAR and the specific research project. Important: if the DC is applying to more than one position, a motivation letter per project will be required.
- Master’s degree certificate or proof that the required degree to be enrolled in a PhD programme will be obtained by the time of recruitment if not already awarded.
Please indicate on the application form below the Doctoral Candidate position(s) to which you wish to apply (up to 3). Details of the available research projects are provided in the Nuclear website or by clicking in the title of each individual program.
Doctoral Candidate (DC) position:
- DC1: The impact of nuclear NAD levels on transcriptional regulation and DNA repair.
- DC2: Impact of nuclear localisation of enzymes on acyl-CoA-mediated PTMs on histone and non-histone proteins.
- DC3: Visualizing acyl-CoA and associated metabolites with subcellular resolution To apply for this position, please do it also through this website here. Only applications received in both systems will be considered.
- DC4: Investigating the 2-hydrohyglutarate (2-HG) protein interaction network in leukemia cells.
- DC5: Computational analysis and modelling of acyl-CoA metabolism and protein acylation dynamics. To apply for this position, please do it also through this website here. Only applications received in both systems will be considered.
- DC6: Uncovering the role of nuclear acetyl-CoA metabolism in differentiation. To apply for this position, please do it also through this website here. Only applications received in both systems will be considered.
- DC7: Elucidating the impact of metabolite-binding by histone variants in gene regulation and chromatin architecture.
- DC8: SCFAs as regulators of cell specification through epigenetic regulation in cancer.
- DC9: Metabolic crosstalk and nuclear acetyl-CoA metabolism in the hematopoietic niche.
- DC10: Assessment of genetic background in the epigenetic response to metabolites.
- DC11: Modulation of NAD+ -dependent PARP1/2 activity on chromatin by regulatory cofactors and impact on cancer.
- DC12: A functional genomics approach to assess nuclear essentiality of metabolic enzymes.
- DC13: Testing chromatin-bound metabolic enzymes as vulnerabilities in acute myeloid leukemia.
- DC14: Metabolites as epigenetic substrates drive myeloid lineage bias in aging individuals and AML.
- DC15: The role of histone metabolic reservoirs in liver cancer. To apply for this position, please do it also through this website here. Only applications received in both systems will be considered.
- DC17: Nuclear propionyl-CoA as a mediator between nutrition, chromatin regulation and cancer cell proliferation.
- Application deadline: 17th March 2025 (at 23:59)
- Announcement of preselection results and call for interviews: Until 16th April 2025
- Interviews: mid/end-April 2025. The three top candidates per position will be invited to the online interviews. Full details regarding the interview process will be sent to invited candidates during the arrangement of interviews.
- Communication of the results: 15th May 2025
- Recommended start of the fellowship: September-October 2025
If you have any doubts regarding the application process, or you experience any problems in your application, you may contact us at
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101166838.
- Locations
- Campus Can Ruti (Badalona)
Join the NUCLEAR Project – PhD Opportunity in Metabolic Regulation of Genome Function and Cell Identity
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